Sunday, October 3, 2021

Donner's situation

Donner is learning how to get around with his disability, but can only walk a few feet, and poorly at that, before he has to sit down. The vet (specialist) believes it is an iliopsoas muscle tear and has recommended weeks, if not months, of physical therapy to deal with it.  I am not too sure that that is the problem, but it is worth a try since if it is not that, it is a neuro issues which I can do noting about, or a hip issue, which I may do something about, despite the risks, if it comes to that.  We will have four weeks before his wheelchair arrives, so it is worth trying in the meantime. In the meantime, we will continue to take our walks with him in his stroller. My concern is that he will rejected the wheelchair in favor of the stroller when the wheelchair arrives.  If that is his preference, so be it.


One of the reasons I am not too sure it is not Donner’s neuro situation acting up is what I learned in the tent as he slept right beside me.  Starting well into the night, he would try to shift his position every minute it seemed, and by doing so, wake me up.  He continues that at home.  That may be more of a sign it is a neuro issue, and not a muscle issue.  My guess is that it only starts well into the night as his meds from the previous morning wear off.  So, I will start to give him his meds at night to see if that changes his pattern.  I never noticed that he tries to change his position during the day so at least I know the meds are working.


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