OnTheRoad.camp (OTR11.blogspot.com) This is my 11th long road camping trip with my dogs (Donner, this trip, his fourth) across North America . Trip will start on or about Sept 12. We will take the Donner Party route out (photo above is of part of the Donner Party, more or less)
Friday, September 17, 2021
Day 1, noon, Sept 17 , the Donner Party leaving DC
I see OTR-11 Land Rover passing the Farmers and Mechanics Bank in Georgetown….founded in 1814….the same year that Luis Keseberg…” the cannibal of the Donner Party “..was born. Something cosmic going on.
I see OTR-11 Land Rover passing the Farmers and Mechanics Bank in Georgetown….founded in 1814….the same year that Luis Keseberg…” the cannibal of the Donner Party “..was born. Something cosmic going on.