Friday, September 17, 2021

Day one, Chestnut Ridge camp, West Virginia

It took me just a little bit more than two hours to set up the camp, which is just slightly more than the average. But that does not express how much Agony I had to go through to do so. It usually takes me about five days to get into the stride of things, so I will write that off to my in activity over the last two years. As you can see in the photo, Donner how do you been resting peacefully since we arrived. I think that this is the part of the day that he enjoys the most. As of now, we will MoveOn tomorrow to Springfield Ohio and assess the situation there.

As I am just learning How to use this iPhone, I'm sure there will be many mistakes in my blogs that I sent from it. Please bear with me.

The below photo is of our little camp in site B33. While many readers will get a feeling of déjà vu when you look at the photos of our camps, each one is entirely different to us. Chestnut ridge is a place to camp deep in a national forest.

Ed and Donner From Chestnut Ridge

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